Auto Stop Start System

What is Auto Stop Start?

A typical engine-driven air compressor requires the engine to run continuously, and generates air only when your tank pressure gets low. While this is a reliable method of air compression that has been around for many years, the constant running of the engine wastes a tremendous amount of fuel, increases wear and tear, and shortens service intervals.

The solution to this problem is our Auto Stop Start interface. This innovative system continuously monitors your tank pressure, automatically starting your engine when you need air, and stopping it when you don't.

Digital Interface

The benefits of our Auto Stop Start interface don't stop at eliminating unnecessary engine idling. This interface is equipped with a digital display that reads your tank pressure, oil temperature, and engine speed (which can be easily adjusted on the unit itself, giving you even more control over your compressor!).

Flexible Mounting

The Auto Stop Start interface comes standard with 10' cables, but can be special ordered with cables of any length to suit your application.

What applications benefit from this the most?

The Auto Stop Start system works best in applications with dynamic and unpredictable air consumption that typically have frequent periods of unnecessary idling.

Is this a standard or optional feature?

On our new EVO series Twister units, the Auto Stop Start system comes standard. No worries if you are interested in a Classic Twister, though, this system can be installed as an option.