


USD saved annually in wasted fuel costs*

Ground disturbance

of greenhouse gases saved daily*

Aurora In Numbers


How does it work?

Our patented Aurora system consists of an array of either solar panels or wind turbines, and a small 'shack' which contains one of our industry-leading Twister DC-powered air compressors.

The green energy from the solar or wind array will power the compressor, which in turn provides instrument air to power all of the pumps and instrumentation on an off-grid well site.

This makes the standard practice of using the natural pressure from the gas in the ground to power on-site equipment obsolete, and eliminates the need for flaring the gas used in this process - gas that can now be brought to market for no extra cost, thanks to the Aurora.


Installation can typically take place in a day. The Aurora seamlessly ties in with existing infrastructure, and, with zero ground disturbance, requires no special permits.

The simplicity of the installation and longevity of the equipment also make it easy to reinstall at future well sites - making it a worthwhile investment for all well sites, regardless of how many productive years it has left.


The Aurora is completely automated. We have integrated various remote diagnostic tools to monitor performance, ensuring continuous, smooth, operation.

Want to see what an Aurora can do for your well site? Try out our instrument air savings calculator!

* Figures were from an Aurora A60 that was installed on a three well site in the Green River Basin, USA. Price was determined based on late 2023 fuel prices.

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Patents & Innovation

An Off-Grid Instrument Air Solution

The Aurora eliminates emissions from off-grid well sites by providing instrumentation air from one of our Twister air compressors, powered by either solar panels or wind turbines.

Patent: US20170292350A1

A system and method is provided for converting wellhead pressure of natural gas wells, or for converting water head pressure of water towers, to rotational power for operating rotated equipment, such as electrical generators, electrical alternators, pumps, air compressors, and other rotated equipment.

Patent: WO2023060342A1

A system and method are provided for generating electrical power or rotational power where the system includes heating thermo-dynamic fluid passing through a heat exchanger causing the fluid to expand and then pass through a turbine to rotate a turbine shaft coupled to an electrical generator to generate electrical power, or to transfer rotational power to rotating machinery. Fluid exiting the turbine can then be cooled before cycling through to the heat exchanger.

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